The Precarious Position of Trans Bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trans people occupy a particularly precarious space in BiH in terms of social acceptance, legal recognition and healthcare access. The lack of protection, acceptance and support in Bosnia and Herzegovina is exemplified by the restrictions and limitations that individuals face when dealing with governmental institutions and medical professionals.
White Armband Day: Challenging mass atrocities denial through symbolic resistance
On May 23, 2012, Emir Hodžić went viral for standing alone in Prijedor’s main square, wearing a white armband on his left arm. The white armband, now used as a symbol of remembrance, commemorated the decree issued by Serb nationalist authorities in Prijedor (Crisis Committee of the Serbian District of Prijedor) on May 31, 1992, ordering the non-Serb population of Prijedor to hang white sheets outside their homes and to wear a white armband.