Peace education activism in Bosnia: Fostering dialogue in a divided system
Peace education activists in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) are facilitating dialogue in a political environment that is far from hospitable to their work.
Mental Illness: Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Silent Epidemic
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is still grappling with the lasting impact of war. War survivors are struggling with the post-traumatic stress caused by the conflict of 1992-1995.
Freddy Mutanguha: “I want to teach about empathy”
Freddy Mutanguha, director of the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda, attended the 29th commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide on July 11, as well as the Srebrenica Youth School from July 7-12, 2024. There, he shared his personal story as a genocide survivor and his mission as a human rights activist and peace educator.
Mingling: Sarajevo’s In-Person Social Defying Online Culture
It is no secret that we generally have less time and space in our lives for in-person socializing. Pressured by numerous obligations, and preoccupied by social media, many simply do not have the headspace.
Danica Maksimović: the artist combining art with environmental protection
Danica Maksimović is a thirty-two-year-old artist born in Kosovska Gračanica, Kosovo, but she has lived and worked in Niš, Serbia for the past 16 years. There, she completed her secondary art school and Faculty of Arts, majoring in Painting. Her passion for creation has been with her since childhood, complemented by her interest in environmental protection.
Transplantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Difficult Search for a New Life
Organ transplantation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) faces numerous challenges.