Bambi Zoo Center: A Humane Sanctuary Inspired by Love for Animals
In the Sarajevo suburbs of Hrasnica, the Bambi Zoo Center serves as a haven for nearly 150 animals that have been injured, abandoned, or otherwise abused.
Breaking Down Anti-Roma Prejudice Through Poetry
Roma are the largest minority group in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and are commonly exposed to prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion. Almir Agić, a 22-year-old Roma man from Ilijaš, near Sarajevo, fights prejudice with poetry and art, giving a voice to those who are invisible in society.
Geographical Protection of Bosnian Products: Jurisdictional Conflict and Lack of Awareness
In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the protection of domestic products remains inadequate, despite the country’s long tradition of agricultural and food production.
Coexistence after Conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, and Northern Ireland: The Research of Professor Cammett
Professor Melani Cammett of Harvard University investigates how communities coexist after conflict by studying three post-conflict societies: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, and Northern Ireland.
The Young Woman from Konjic Breaking World Weightlifting Records
Twenty-five-year-old Samra Alebić from Konjic has been breaking world records and winning gold medals as the top competitor from Bosnia and Herzegovina in powerlifting—a sport that includes three disciplines: squatting, bench press, and deadlifting. With daily training, this young journalist and writer is able to lift 185 kilos, destroying prejudices that only men are strong.
Learning about the Past with a Focus on Peace Values
"Lessons from the past can improve our future, but we must be willing to teach others and be good students."