Mostar’s Youth Take a Stand Against Tobacco Smoke
January 31st marks No Tobacco Day. Launched in 1982 as a way to alert the public to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke, this day is now celebrated across the region. This year, activists from the “Klima Bez Dima” (“Environment Without Smoke”) initiative decided to organize an action in Mostar to commemorate the occasion.
Center for Peace and Multiethnic Cooperation: A Guiding Star for Youth in Mostar
The division of citizens along ethnic lines burdens the Bosnian city of Mostar. The Center for Peace and Multiethnic Cooperation works with youth to counteract this division and rewards those who have helped the city and its citizens during difficult times.
Remembering Srebrenica at the Sarajevo Film Festival
A new film focusing on survivors of the Srebrenica genocide premiered at the 21st Sarajevo Film Festival last week. Alessandra Goio and Marta Vidal report.
You Know What You See: An Interview with Monica Alcazar-Duarte
Monica Alcazar-Duarte’s latest project aims to transform the general public’s perception of her home country of Mexico. David Schafer and Zuzana Pavelkova speak with her to find out more.
Terror in the Central African Republic
A new exhibition depicting life during the conflict in the Central African Republic opened in Sarajevo last week. Akvile Zakarauskaite reports.
Human Rights Watch: Telling the Story to Make a Difference
Anna Idzigna explores the history and everyday work of Human Rights Watch, an international NGO that conducts research and advocacy on human rights.