In the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the small town of Vitez, young people have been gathering for three years to learn about preserving peace, coexistence, and tolerance. The Peace Festivals are organized by the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC). During the first two editions, they gathered nearly 100 young people from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina to work together on building a better and more peaceful future for our country.
The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) and Balkan Diskurs invite young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in the third edition of Peace Festival in Vitez from February 22 to 26, 2024.
Jasmina Alić-Zec and Siniša Zec met through Facebook. By the end of their first coffee date, which lasted for five or six hours, they realized they have a lot in common, from their clothing style to the kind of music they listen to and their love for nature. Although society defines them as Bosniak and Croat, they don’t identify that way. Their different ethnic backgrounds did not stand in the way of their love story, which culminated with their marriage in Tuzla, where they now live with their daughter Iris.
Participants of the Youth Academy for “State of Peace,” organized by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC), who come from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, paid their respects to civilian war victims through a series of commemorations in Tuzla, Brčko, Sarajevo, and Vitez. Relying on the …
At the "State of Peace" Youth Academy, young people from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed religious differences, concluding that we must accept and understand differences in society in order to build a more peaceful and tolerant society together.
Participants of the "State of Peace" Youth Academy, organized by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Post-Conflict Research Center, discussed the lessons and the legacy of the Holocaust in the region, and how these lessons can be used to prevent conflict and strengthen the reconciliation process.