Žvrlja: Turning Children’s Drawings into Jewelry
Mina Vesković, a literature professor, created the brand Žvrlja. Under this label, they craft jewelry based on children’s drawings, preserving the memories of childhood.
Danica Maksimović: the artist combining art with environmental protection
Danica Maksimović is a thirty-two-year-old artist born in Kosovska Gračanica, Kosovo, but she has lived and worked in Niš, Serbia for the past 16 years. There, she completed her secondary art school and Faculty of Arts, majoring in Painting. Her passion for creation has been with her since childhood, complemented by her interest in environmental protection.
DIS Theater: Where Dreams Are Born
DIS Theater for young actors was founded in Banja Luka 32 years ago. Today, they have more than 40 active members, and their premieres and first reruns are almost always sold out.
Mira Kovačević Creates Magic Through Wine Painting
The painter Mira Kovačević found her passion for art in the technique of painting with wine, thereby confirming that using even the most unusual materials can reach the hearts of others. After becoming bored with standard painting techniques, she wanted to do something different and unique.
The American Corner in Banja Luka: Education and Help for Young People
The American Corner in Banja Luka is a space where workshops are held from September to June with the maximum number of participants of all ages. There, young people have the opportunity to learn and read books in English, as well as to volunteer, after which they receive a certificate that can be used to apply for a job. The American Corner in Banja Luka was founded 18 years ago as a result of cooperation between the National University Library of the Republic of Srpska and the American Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Selfless Kind-Hearted People
The educational cultural center IHTUS has been providing educational and social opportunities for children for 14 years, in the form of workshops, camps, and sporting events. They also offer assistanceto 130 vulnerable families from the Banja Luka and Prijedor area through the Godfather Project which assigns patrons to children in need.