Sexism and Its Societal Consequences in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sexism ranges from seemingly harmless and often unconscious comments to various forms of discrimination against women, leaving painful and long-lasting consequences.
Economic Violence Ties Victims to Perpetrators
Economic violence is one of the most surreptitious forms of abuse inflicted upon women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), directly affecting their financial independence, dignity, and ability to make their own choices.
Transplantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Difficult Search for a New Life
Organ transplantation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) faces numerous challenges.
The Fight for (Full) Marriage Recognition in Bosnia and Montenegro’s Queer Communities
In Bosnian society, same-sex partnership is still taboo. It is discriminatory that same-sex unions are not recognized in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which brings along a range of other problems, including inheritance rights, property management, partner maintenance, access to social and health benefits, pensions and tax benefits, as well as restrictions on visiting partners in case of serious illness.
Balkan rap: Activism in music will never die out
Music cares not for geographic and other boundaries. Fans and admirers of the same kind of music may easily find each other and be connected, ignoring everything that divides them.