Heroes Among Us
Heroes are all around us, often unnoticed, unrecognized and unappreciated. At a time when internet portals, newspaper columns and social networks are bombarded with daily political chaos, heroes are changing the harsh reality with small but determined steps.
PRONI: Young People are Invaluable
“Just imagine, dare and ask – the PRONI team has the answer,” says Miroslava Milivojević, a student at the PRONI Academy of Youth Work in Banja Luka.
PTSD: A Normal Reaction to Abnormal Circumstances
Life can become entangled with distressing events, the consequences of which can be so overwhelming that they surpass a person’s capacity to cope with them. This is the fundamental basis for the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Denial of genocide more and more radical, but changes are possible
Despite the overwhelming evidence, including numerous firsthand testimonies, forensic findings from mass graves, recovered items, and documented records, genocide denial and hateful rhetoric continues to plague Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the wider region.
History Museum of B&H: Defiant Guardian of History
In times of unpredictability, museums defiantly safeguard history. The History Museum, which is dedicated to the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina from its first mention until today, is no exception.
Canada and Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Rise of Identity Politics
A fundamental part of state unity is a shared sense of national identity, embodied in a flag, anthem, or passport. Despite their many differences, both Canada and Bosnia have witnessed a rise in identity politics and division which have threaten the social cohesion and national identity in both countries.