Svetlana Jankovic: A Lieutenant, Mother, and Winner of All Battles
Being a woman in a “man's shoes” is never easy, especially if they’re the shoes of a military man.
Life Gets Hard in the Winter Time
Toilets, bathrooms, buses, stairs – all of these present obstacles for people with disabilities who are living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Jajce’s Treasure Trove of Memories
"If only it could be like the good ol’ times, a time of power and of Tito and his pioneers. Everything would be easier." This is a sentiment you will often hear from people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but you will experience the greatest sense of nostalgia in the royal city of Jajce if you visit the Museum of the Second AVNOJ Session in late November.
Dalibor Tanić: If All You See is that I Am Roma, the Flaw is Yours
This was supposed to be a story about national minorities, however, it soon became an effort to find the words to best describe the greatness of a man who does not allow others to judge him based on what he is, but rather on all the important characteristics that make him WHO he is.
A Woman’s Right to Choose
“I was divorced and had one child, I started a relationship with Mirko, who was also divorced and the relationship was over before it started. My period was late. I called him to tell him the news and first thing the next day, without even a second thought, he decided – abortion."
Bosnian Youth’s Environmental Disinterest Will Lead to Further Degradation
70 young Bosnians were surveyed about the causes of pollution. Half responded that they throw away glass bottles without ever thinking about where the waste will end up. Around 92% of respondents believe that there are not enough dumpsters for the various types of garbage near the places they live.