Zenica’s Art Room: Where Actors are Born
Three years ago, actress Lana Delić's idea of establishing an Art Room in Zenica came to life. This Art Room brings together young people interested in acting, giving them a platform to develop their acting skills. The school also fosters creative awareness and the celebration of the diversity and originality of each individual.
The Flea Market at Stup, Sarajevo: Where Affordability Meets Old-World Charm
The flea market in the Sarajevo neighborhood of Stup is an essential meeting point for the citizens of the Sarajevo Canton. It is a place where you can buy, at affordable prices, every good you can imagine. Every Sunday, this market becomes the epicenter of trade, where a diverse range of goods is displayed on improvised stalls, the smoke from grills stinging your eyes. If the hubbub gets a little too much, you may eat or rest for a while, listening to the sounds of voices echoing through speakers, “Everything at a bargain!” or “Almost gone!”.
Fifth Srebrenica Youth School: Local Narratives and Global Challenges of Genocide Prevention and Peacebuilding
This July, as part of the program marking the 29th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, in cooperation with the Srebrenica Memorial Center, the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is organizing the fifth edition of the Srebrenica Youth School in Srebrenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina), from July 7 - 12.
Enis Čišić: From Bosnia to Marvel
Enis Čišić is obsessed with his job. He is a freelance visual artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) whose first encounter with a pencil – inspired by pictures from encyclopedias, picture books and a favorite television program – began in the 1980s.
Treehana: Spreading Love through Clothes
This young designer's love for fashion and creativity developed at a very young age, from when she redesigned and sewed new clothes for dolls with her mother and grandmother. Now, Tihana Todić's philosophy as a designer is to be totally dedicated to each and every customer, as to the dolls of her childhood.
Sassja: We are all different people, but we have that common thread
We know Sanela Halilović, "Sassja," as the lady of the Bosnian rap scene, with a recognizable voice and attitude. In her private life, she is first of all a mother, then a graduate with a master’s in pharmacy, and a workaholic. She is someone who has a lot of energy and is constantly looking for positivity around her.