Understanding the Legacy of Concentration Camps in BiH
According to available data, there were 657 detention camps and centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Men, women, and children were imprisoned and subjected to various forms of torture, many of whom did not survive.
International Youth School Prijedor ’24: Learning About Facts from the Past Contributes to Peace Building
The International Youth School “Prijedor24” brought together 20 young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Europe, and around the world. The aim was to allow students to learn about BiH’s past based on court-established facts. Moreover, students were encouraged to develop a commitment to building a culture of remembrance, advocating for justice, and fostering reconciliation.
Peace Festival 2024: By Respecting Human Values We Build Peace
Tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and the absence of violence, along with respect for universal life values, are necessary for building sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
From the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Young people send messages of peace and tolerance
Understanding, non-violence, love, respect, tolerance, health, and friendship are just some of the words used by 50 young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina to describe their understanding of peace. The fourth Peace Festival was opened on February 22 in the Čardaci ethno-village in Vitez.
Shadows of the Past Upon Peacebuilding
The wartime past of the region is still part of the present for many of its inhabitants, due to trauma, glorification of war criminals, and divisions on national grounds. As a result of the proliferation of false narratives, the unresolved issues of the past remain an obstacle to a more stable future.
Peace Festival 2024: How youth build peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the small town of Vitez, young people have been gathering for three years to learn about preserving peace, coexistence, and tolerance. The Peace Festivals are organized by the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC). During the first two editions, they gathered nearly 100 young people from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina to work together on building a better and more peaceful future for our country.