"To speak of public memory as the memory of publics is to speak of more than many individuals remembering the same thing. It is to speak of remembrance together, indeed of remembrance together as a crucial aspect of our togetherness, our existence as a public."
What role can the visual arts play in public health? How can a nation recover from mental health trauma when there are clearly not enough psychologists and psychiatrists to support them? Registered nurse Bruce Clezy presents a 6-part publication series exploring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the visual arts.
For some time now, the public has criticized the ArcelorMittal steel plant in Zenica because of its direct ties to air pollution in this Bosnian-Herzegovinian town. Balkan Diskurs correspondent Adullah Kozlić spoke with ArcelorMittal's Environmental Protection Manager, Azra Sivro, about potential solutions to this problem, as well as the company's plans for the future.
The recent 20-year anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement reified the prospects for change in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Central to these prospects are the ways in which Bosnian citizens think and act politically.
Although 22 years have passed since the shells were fired from Mount Ozren into the downtown area of Tuzla known as Kapija, the victims' families are still waiting for justice. During the massacre, the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) killed 71 and wounded more than 140.
As in many other cities, in Banja Luka members of the LGBTQ community encounters many challenges because its members are perceived as 'different.' The community struggles to secure basic rights and members often find themselves at odds with their family and friends because of their sexual orientation.