Of all the groups of individuals that have been recognized for their bravery and humanitarian actions during the siege of Sarajevo, perhaps the most effective and far-reaching organization was La Benevolencija.
On every professional path there are roadblocks. When working in human rights and peacebuilding in a post-conflict society, these roadblocks can be particularly numerous. In the constant struggle to continue moving forward, a network of supporters and mentors is truly invaluable.
Women are the largest under-utilized asset in the world. In Turkey, less than 9% of entrepreneurs are women. Turkey’s only women-focused investment platform, the Arya Women Investment Platform, wants to change this. Balkan Diskurs spoke to Ahu Serter, founder of the Arya Women Investment Platform, about the platform’s work, its ongoing projects and its future plans.
It has been eleven years since the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina were established. While a number of challenges remain, the defense reform and subsequent unification of the forces offers an example of how carefully crafted legislation can support the advancement of post-war reconciliation and state-building efforts.
An unstable and internally broken Europe, with border integrity under constant threat by a belligerent Russia, would prove detrimental to United States foreign policy, and would likely set back the progress made by all U.S. presidents since Ronald Reagan.
As Europe continues to grapple with growing Islamophobia fueled by a surging refugee crisis and Islamist terrorism, questions are increasingly being raised on whether Islam is compatible with European civilization.