Discovering Another Side of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Landscapes
The association Azimuth 135 promotes hiking with the slogan “Walk the Right Path,” offering a diverse range of activities for people of all ages.
No One is Out for Revenge, but Society Needs Healing
In the last 50 years, there have been no death penalty verdicts or known blood feuds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, despite the country’s violent history of atrocities and genocide.
Degradation and Violence Against Women Stem from Patriarchal Values
Patriarchy is often cited as one of the main causes of the degradation of women in society, and of gender-based violence. Tradition and custom in a patriarchal system prevent women from saying "No!" to such a system of false values. However, today we have newer generations of girls and women who are increasingly improving the status of women in BiH. society.