Discovering Another Side of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Landscapes
The association Azimuth 135 promotes hiking with the slogan “Walk the Right Path,” offering a diverse range of activities for people of all ages.
Youth Leaders: Visionaries Changing the World
Youth leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have an important role in driving necessary changes and inspiring young people with their activism to contribute to positive changes in local communities. Adnan Družić from Bosanski Petrovac is one such leader.
Bosnian-Herzegovinian “Water Heroes”
Although the Spid swimming club was founded with the goal of developing inclusive sports, over the last eight years, it has become a gathering place and a source of unbreakable friendships for children from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), regardless of their ethnicity or any other differences. This club has also been a place where children with developmental difficulties or disabilities, who are often referred to as “water heroes,” have won numerous awards.
Youth, Journalism, and Creativity: New Stories and the Mapping of Bosnia and Herzegovina
More than 30 young people from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the world attended a training program on documentary photography and citizen journalism, as well as the Subjective Atlas workshop. They are now correspondents for Balkan Diskurs, a multimedia platform established by the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC).
Youth Organizations Prepare Young People for Employment
Through various projects including sports, entertainment, cultural, and educational activities, youth organizations are striving to encourage volunteerism and the employment of young people in local communities.
Pathways towards a culture of peace with Velma Šarić and Tatjana Milovanović
The Post-Conflict Research Center is a non-governmental peacebuilding organisation and research centre based in Sarajevo, Bosnia.