The Down Syndrome Center from Banja Luka is the only social welfare institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina building capacity for people with Down Syndrome through its social rehabilitation program.
76 years after the struggle between Yugoslav partisans and Nazi Germany, new generations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are reinventing the concepts of fascism and antifascism in light of contemporary issues.
Due to the deep-rooted patriarchal structure of society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, domestic violence is often perceived as a corrective measure of the strong over the weak, which must not go beyond the four wall boundaries of the home.
Despite irrefutable evidence of rampant CRSV perpetrated against men between 1992-1995, many factors still prevent male survivors from receiving effective support, justice, and acknowledgment from society.
Socioeconomic issues have become an increasingly important topic in transitional justice. A new research project developed in collaboration between PCRC and Royal Holloway, University of London, explores how they have been debated in the context of the Initiative for RECOM.