“Different” Banja Luka Guy on the Throne of Electronic Music
Luka Ćurguz, a 24-year-old from Banja Luka, can’t call the physical injury he was born with an advantage, but he does believe that it makes him unique and easily recognizable in his athletic accomplishments and musical career. Luka is a successful athlete and musician who wants to put his hometown of Banja Luka, and his country, on the map of electronic music. 
Naša Djeca: A Chance for Young People
Once they reach 18 and leave the orphanages in which they grew up, children without parental care as well as those with developmental difficulties are left on their own and, in the process, they face rejection by their communities.
A New Generation of Balkan Diskurs Youth Correspondents
At the eighth training for Balkan Diskurs youth correspondents, organized by the Post-Conflict Research Center, young people from 13 cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina learned basic skills in investigative and citizen journalism, as well as documentary photography.
Srebrenica Youth Summer School 2020/21: Even Peace Has its Victories
In 2020, the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) and the Srebrenica Memorial Center began organizing a summer school for young people in Srebrenica. The first one, entitled ‘Dealing with the past to rethink the future’, was held in the period from July 8 to 13, 2020, while the second, called ‘Truth. Justice. Prevention.’, lasted from July 6 to 13, 2021.
Solving the Problems of the “Birth Dearth” and the Emigration of Young People
Whether or not Bosnia and Herzegovina will become a state of the elderly is a frequently asked question, and the answer will largely depend on government officials. By providing decent employment opportunities for young people as well as incentives for counteracting the “birth dearth,” officials at all levels of government help put more students in our schools. 
Peace Festival ’22 – Peace is priceless and we must preserve it
During the three-day Peace Festival ‘22 in Vitez in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, young people, activists, and journalists sent a unique message about their desire for life without division and discrimination. As their peers in Ukraine face the horrors of violent aggression, their affirmation of the need to maintain the peace was especially powerful.