Ten years of Balkan Diskurs: New call for young people

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) invites young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in the tenth Balkan Diskurs training and mentoring program for youth correspondents, which will be held from October 31 to November 4 in Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Balkan Diskurs is an independent multimedia platform that provides young citizen journalists, activists, and academics in the Western Balkans with a space – free from censorship – to publish their opinions, analyses, and impressions of relevant issues in the region. Balkan Diskurs provides the resources, training, and space young people need to be heard, laying the foundations necessary for them to become the media producers of the future. In ten years of work, Balkan Diskurs has trained 158 young people from over 30 cities in BiH, and young authors have so far published over 1300 articles for balkandiskurs.com.

The first part of the training, in cooperation with the editors and journalists of Balkan Diskurs, will focus on educating the participants in investigative and citizen journalism techniques, fair and balanced reporting, fact-checking and interview techniques. The second part of the training, in cooperation with photographers and artists from PCRC’s expert network, will focus on the use of photography and visual storytelling to proactively challenge negative stereotypes and prejudices towards other ethnic and minority groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, the selected participants will have the opportunity to learn from local and international experts in the field of journalism and photography.

After the training in Vitez, the participants will have the opportunity and support to publish their articles for Balkan Diskurs in the next year, while earning honorariums for this work. PCRC will cover the costs of transportation, accommodation and food for all selected training participants.


– You are a citizen or resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– You are between 18 and 30 years old.

– You have a desire to learn more about journalism techniques and publish your work on balkandiskurs.com.

All young people are welcome, regardless of previous work experience and education.


Selected participants are expected to be present during all training days. 

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form that you can find here and send it to [email protected] .

The deadline for training applications is October 18, 2024 until 12 p.m. (noon).

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