Reimagining Peace in Brussels: “Don’t Wait for Problems to Arise”
The #ReImagining Peace 2023 conference concluded that today’s youth are the future and the future they need is one of peace. Educated young people are essential, and this is why we must provide them with a safe environment in which they can discuss controversial topics.
A Museum of Daily Life in Sarajevo Under Siege
On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the start of the Sarajevo siege, the longest siege of a capital city in modern history, the Siege of Sarajevo Museum was inaugurated. The Museum authentically portrays the everyday life of Sarajevo’s citizens who were terrorized as part of the shelling and sniping campaign orchestrated by the Bosnian Serb political and military establishment. 
Youth Organizations Prepare Young People for Employment
Through various projects including sports, entertainment, cultural, and educational activities, youth organizations are striving to encourage volunteerism and the employment of young people in local communities.
Pathways towards a culture of peace with Velma Šarić and Tatjana Milovanović
The Post-Conflict Research Center is a non-governmental peacebuilding organisation and research centre based in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Reunited After 30 Years: Beautiful Bosnia and Warm People
A cold March morning in 1993 left a permanent mark on the lives of children from the village of Srmać in Kladanj as well as the United Nations (UN) soldiers, who would reunite 30 years later. Their reunion brought back memories of the smiles on the children’s faces because of the sweets and toys they received from the UN soldiers. At the same time, it confirmed that distance and time cannot sever friendships as long as they are built on love and respect.
Elvir and Nataša: When Love Triumphs on its Own
Nataša and Elvir Čelebić, born in 1976 and 1978 respectively, embarked on their love story 20 years ago. Today, it is crowned with two children, Boris (born in 1997) and Ena (born in 2003), demonstrating that love knows know boundaries.