Daily life in Sarajevo is vastly different today than it was in the midst of the siege but whilst the city and the region now operate in relative peace, there are still people that remain deeply affected by the conflicts of the 1990s.
More and more people, especially youth, are leaving Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). According to World Bank estimates, approximately 1.6 million people who were born in BiH now live outside of the country.
Through love and spirituality, unencumbered by form, writer Esma Bandić is trying to bring together people of different religions. Her books call for peace, love, and interfaith dialogue.
Balkan Diskurs correspondent Louis Monroy Santander talked to Emir Kapetanović, director of “Djeca Mira” (Children of Peace) - a documentary that takes a look at the post-Dayton generation in Bosnia, their concerns, their realities and perhaps more importantly their dreams.