Differences Make Zlatica’s and Muhamed’s Lives Richer
A married couple from Sarajevo, Zlatica (55) and Muhamed (58) Kljuno are celebrating 28 years of happy marriage this year. Their life has been filled with love for each other and their two children. They believe that their different religions have brought a lot of prosperity and happiness into their life. They say that the key to their successful marriage is that their differences complement each other perfectly – what one of them lacks the other one has.
It’s Not the Name That Matters, but Love and Respect
Olga and Zijad will celebrate 40 years of happy marriage this year. Despite being born in Banja Luka, their wedded bliss and commitment to bringing up two daughters have not been broken by ethnic and religious divisions; not even by the war that raged in Bosnia and Herzegovina for almost four years. The key to the success of their marriage is, as they say, love, respect and compromise, above all.
The Srebrenica Memorial Center: the Gravitational Center of a Nation’s Experience
"I see the future of the Srebrenica Memorial Center as a gravitational center [for] the experience of one nation during the 1990s, with its own archive, research and museum capacities for the commemoration of the victims of Srebrenica, Sarajevo and Ahmići…because we are the generation that should give this institution a chance to survive and be the best for everything that comes in the future.”- Emir Suljagić, Director of the Srebrenica Memorial Center
The Bektić Sisters: Horses Teach Us Nobility, Tenderness and Responsibility
Sisters Ćamka, Kadira, Fatima and Đeneta Bektić from the village of Jasenova became famous because of a photo of them galloping on horses through the snow-covered forests of Srebrenica. They say that they do not remember whether they first learned to walk or to ride.
The Fortress of Doboj: the Crown of the City
The old town of Doboj is located in northern Bosnia, in an area with wide geographical foothills. The significant geostrategic position around the mouths of the rivers Usora and Spreča was a decisive factor in the formation of the fortress from which today's Doboj developed.
The ”Nafaka” of the Sarajevo Haggadah
For more than a hundred years of turbulent history, Sarajevo and its inhabitants have kept the Sarajevo Haggadah, a written collection of Jewish regulations and traditions, from wars, arson, and theft. Its home is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the Haggadah has had to leave several times in order to be preserved.