— Miriam Specka —
Miriam is currently pursuing a dual degree in Law and International Relations at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), where she volunteers at the Unidad de Atención a la Violencia por Causa de Género -the university’s center for attending to gender violence cases reported by students- and previously served on the Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica team. Passionate about using social media to foster a sense of community and share the stories of those around us, Miriam founded Humans of la Tizapán, a “Humans of New York” inspired project for the borough ITAM is located in. When not immersed in activities related to her academic and professional interests -namely transitional justice, international criminal law, investigative journalism and refugee rights- she can be found polishing up her Bosnian language skills over Zoom and writing poetry for her loyal readers, which she someday hopes to publish.