Human Trafficking in the Balkans
Human trafficking is endemic in the Balkans. The region offers ideal conditions: political instability; social and economic malaise; a prevalence of organized criminal networks; and a culture of corruption.
You Know What You See: An Interview with Monica Alcazar-Duarte
Monica Alcazar-Duarte’s latest project aims to transform the general public’s perception of her home country of Mexico. David Schafer and Zuzana Pavelkova speak with her to find out more.
The Social and Economic Dimensions of Transitional Justice
In disadvantaged and dismantled societies, Transitional Justice (TJ) will lose all credibility if it has not dealt with social injustice, corruption, exploitation of resources and economic violence. Moving towards reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina requires the rethinking of TJ from the very beginning, while inclusion of economic and social rights is essential for TJ effectiveness.
Arms Trade
In the context of the wars that occurred in the former Yugoslavia, it would seem logical to approach the arms trade in South East Europe (SEE) with a sense of apprehension. The question is: does the trade make the region less stable and secure?