Bosnian National Theater Zenica
The Bosnian National Theater (BNP) in Zenica represents a unique architectural marvel of the former Yugoslavia. Beyond its role as a cultural institution, it has not only contributed to arts and culture but has also played an educational role in the lives of children and youth for over 73 years.
The story of Teta Ramiza – From Army to Theater
Balancing art and army, Ramiza Sarić confronted enemy occupation on two fronts during the wartime period in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the cultural and militaristic. Today, at the age of 77, having traveled the world extensively, she claims that we are “the best country with the best people who are the most cultured and civilized.”
The Butmir Hippodrome: A 130-Year-Old Horse Racing Tradition Returns
After 12 years, horse races returned to the Butmir Hippodrome, thanks to the initiative of passionate young equestrian enthusiasts. This event rekindled hope that the sport might once again become a major attraction in Sarajevo as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, continuing a 130-year-old tradition.
The European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the Post-Conflict Research Center is conveying the first 'State of Peace' Youth Academy from August 18 – 31 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Young people from across the Western Balkan region will take part in a cross-country program with 15 + activities in 4 locations, travel across the country and enjoy their summer break in Bosnia!
Kuća Klajn: An Authentic Place for New Artistic Practices
The economic, political, and cultural climate of the moment constantly questions the organization of independent spaces where contemporary art can be produced. This art aims to challenge, criticize, and forge connections with the community. It also provides insights on how to overcome patriarchal cultural norms which view art as merely an extension of its regressive politics.
Scottish Tales from Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Scotland are two small countries with a lot of differences, but the Scots who live in Sarajevo believe that the people of these countries are connected by warm hospitality towards foreigners, dark humor, and a relaxed view on life.