Commentary: The Tale of the Bosnian Film Industry
What was the last film you watched from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)? Or, perhaps a better question, have you seen a film from BiH?
“Djeca Sarajeva”: The Legacy of Killing Childhood
It is hard to understand the killing of a child. The deliberate and ruthless targeting of children during the Siege of Sarajevo tragically illustrates the contrast between childhood innocence and war’s brutality. To commemorate the start of the occupation of Sarajevo, the documentary, "Djeca Sarajeva”, was screened for the first time on the 4th of April at the Sarajevo City Hall.
Robert Dacešin: Award-Winning Promoter of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The short video entitled “Why Bosnia and Herzegovina Can Be the Number One Tourist Destination in the World,” created by Robert Dacešin, won the award for the world’s best tourist film which will be presented on November 24th in Valencia by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT). This is just one of the …
“The Colorless:” A Film that Captures the Possibility of Not Belonging
Aida Gavrić’s debut film “The Colorless” was shown on October 14th as part of the Post-Conflict Research Center’s project and photo exhibition “The Love Tales.” The film is about children from ethnically mixed marriages who, stigmatized as ‘half-breeds,’ are consigned to a liminal space, in between world’s, given the ethno-nationalist character of Bosnian and Herzegovinian society. 
#TogetherWeRemember: A 24-Hour Virtual Global Commemoration
“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” - Elie Wiesel
Paul & Boba: A Love Story under the Siege
Do not shoot. Waste your bullets. I’m immortal.