The Unusual Fate of a Former Detainee
“A man must be happy after everything he survives; accept life if you don't want to lose your mind.”
Missing in Syria
In Syria, enforced disappearance is being employed as a deliberate strategy to terrorize families and communities and to spread a fear capable of crippling resistance and silencing dissent.
BalkanThemes Volume 1: Issue 1- Missing Persons
Around the globe, there are millions of reported cases of people who are missing or have disappeared. This first issue of BalkanThemes explores how governments and organizations are addressing this problem in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
The Balkans: An Abode of Unrest
A hundred years have passed since the first bullets were fired near the Latin Bridge. The century-long period saw numerous pits and canyons—and unmarked graves. In them, hundreds of thousands are “resting in peace”. They have names of mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, and brothers—but still, they remain unknown.
Sarajevo Roses as a Reminder of the Dead
Jelena Lukic explores the red resin concrete scars that mark the sites of past mortar shell explosions in Sarajevo.