The story could have started like this: I have one child, a son, the apple of my eye, my pride and joy. The story could also have started like this: we live our “happily ever after,” and our two kids are chasing their dreams. Life is nice, comfortable. He has a job and I take care of the kids and the house. We are happy. It even could have started like this: I have a mother and a sister. We are inseparable. We could chat over a cup of coffee for hours.
Srebrenica Memorial Center strives to preserve the memory of genocide and combat its denial. Led by Dr. Emir Suljagić, the young team works tirelessly to show consequences and the scale of genocide that happened in Srebrenica and Eastern Bosnia to the whole world. A young volunteer from Visoko, Amina Žiga, has been part of the team for a year, even though she is not from Srebrenica.
The old town of Doboj is located in northern Bosnia, in an area with wide geographical foothills. The significant geostrategic position around the mouths of the rivers Usora and Spreča was a decisive factor in the formation of the fortress from which today's Doboj developed.
For more than a hundred years of turbulent history, Sarajevo and its inhabitants have kept the Sarajevo Haggadah, a written collection of Jewish regulations and traditions, from wars, arson, and theft. Its home is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the Haggadah has had to leave several times in order to be preserved.