CALL TO APPLY – Citizen Journalism and Documentary Photography: Balkan Diskurs Youth Correspondent Training

29 May – 1 June 2018

The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is seeking Bosnian youth ages 18 – 30 to participate in its “Citizen Journalism and Documentary Photography” youth correspondent training taking place in Sarajevo from 29 May – 1 June 2018.

The training will focus on educating participants about a number of topics, including investigative and citizen journalism techniques, photography, fair and balanced reporting, fact-checking, and interviewing. The training will also focus on the use of citizen journalism in proactively challenging negative stereotypes and prejudices against other ethnic and minority groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Selected participants will have the chance to interact with, and learn from, experts in the fields of investigative journalism and photography and will be given a year of support following the training to help them produce publications for PCRC’s multimedia web platform Balkan Diskurs.

Balkan Diskurs is an independent multimedia platform that provides young citizen journalists, activists and academics in the Western Balkans with a space – free from censorship – to publish their opinions, analyses, and impressions of relevant issues in the region. Our site connects themes across borders, providing balanced, independent insights on the issues that matter. It is our goal to train participants who will serve as local correspondents for Balkan Diskurs. PCRC will be providing trainees with opportunities for compensation.

PCRC recognizes that youth are not given the space to express their viewpoints or share their concerns, ideas, and opinions about the issues that directly affect them. We believe it’s extremely important that the youth’s voices are heard and that they are taken seriously as stakeholders and decision-makers in Bosnia’s transitional justice and peacebuilding processes.

Selected participants must attend all 4 days of the training. All travel, accommodation and meal costs will be covered. There are 15 spots available, so if you are interested in applying please email [email protected] for an application form. The deadline to apply is 24 May 2018.

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