The best argument against the use of tobacco products is the fact that one of the more than three billion smokers in the world dies every eight seconds.
The best argument against the use of tobacco products is the fact that one of the more than three billion smokers in the world dies every eight seconds. This is something that is well known and regularly reiterated.
Smoking increases the risk of many diseases, especially cardiovascular disease and stroke. The risk of lung cancer increases the earlier you start smoking and every time a cigarette is smoked, smoke is inhaled, and half-smoked cigarettes are re-lit.
Though most are aware of the facts, a large number of people still fail to deal with this problem. In addition to the harmful health effects, smoking also poses a threat to other people’s health and pollutes the environment.
How much we truly care about our health, the health of others, and the environment we live in will become apparent only if we think hard about the things mentioned. The harms are evident and reminded of this every day, but a change in our mindset is needed to elicit a reaction. It’s better to switch our mindset than succumb to illness.
Do you want a healthier life, family, and environment? The decision is yours.
This essay was submitted as part of the Klima Bez Dima Multimedia Contest. Klima Bez Dima is part of the “Reducing Health Risk Factors in BiH” project supported by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the World Bank in BiH in partnership with entity Ministries of Health, entity Public Health Institutes, and other local stakeholders. To learn more about the Klima Bez Dima initiative visit bit.ly/klimabezdima and sign the petition to support a smoke-free BiH.