Young Innovators Promote Digitization in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo: Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

There are numerous positive and practical examples of youth action taken to improve the society in which we live and advocate for change.

The development of the technology sector is extremely dynamic, so the drivers of change in the digital world in our society are a significant link in the chain of such changes. For this reason, Bosnian society must stay in step with advances in technology. Young people are an important factor in that journey because they are involved in education and creation, which paves the way for innovation and new research.

Balkan Diskurs presents one such young innovator: Enver Gluhić (22), who lives and works in Tuzla. He is currently a student in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Sarajevo. He is the founder and, until recently, director of a successful online student service in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has helped around a thousand students find employment over the last two years and thus positioned itself among the three most successful companies in this industry.

“Creating technological innovations is my hobby, and business and adrenaline are something I enjoy the most,” said Gluhić.

Enver Gluhić created the application E-dokumenti (E-documents), which helps digitize citizens’ documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the pandemic, when there were long lines in front of public institutions and strict epidemiological guidelines, Enver came up with the idea to create an application that would help solve problems (or at least part of the problem) relating to issuing documents to citizens.

“I believe that everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina has repeatedly encountered long queues and having to go to several different institutions in different parts of the city to collect documents they need. Of course, I also encountered the same problem several times. I was forced to spend time and energy visiting the Municipality, the Ministry of the Interior, the Court, and other institutions to obtain these kinds of documents. After this happened to me several times, I decided to create an application that would significantly help in facilitating this process for all BiH citizens,” Gluhić says.

The E-dokumenti application allows users to download any personal document in electronic form that can be printed. This application creates the opportunity for document verification, whereby a legal entity can verify the validity of a document via an identification number. Another important option is the online availability of the driver’s license, which would allow drivers to show their information to police officers on the spot in case they forget it and avoid paying a fine for not carrying the document.

“I absolutely believe that the application is the perfect response to the pandemic, and a promising solution for the future, even after the pandemic ends. I believe that the majority of citizens would agree with the fact that the technology is sufficiently developed to enable easier and faster data management with a reduced possibility of error,” says Gluhić.

Gluhić says the advantages of this application are: reduced queues, speed, 24/7 availability, more payment options (SMS, payment slip, voucher…) and an eco-friendly app (reduces paper waste). The application also facilitates recording and observation of statistical data and relies on comprehensiveness – you can get any document regardless of which institution is responsible for its issuance.

In addition to the new application’s main features and potential, Gluhić explained the application’s payment methods and loan replenishment feature via SMS and other details relating to the application’s function.

“The application was created so that it can be used by every citizen, regardless of their technological literacy, in the sense that it is maximally simplified and adapted for everyone’s use. I expect that the application would be widely accepted, especially by citizens that use mobile phones and computers daily,  most often citizens aged 18-50,” says Gluhić.

Gluhić continues to improve the application, which he wants to make publicly available soon, with the help of institutions and other partners. This is another story of successful young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina who strive to improve the system through their perspectives and experiences.

Maida is a trained Balkan Diskurs youth correspondent from Tuzla. She was born on June 26, 1999, in Tuzla, where she is also educated. She is currently a third-year student in the study program Political Science, International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Philosophy. As an active student, she acts as the President of the Student Council of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla, as well as the Vice President of the Student Parliament of the University of Tuzla, and the President of the Commission for Economics and International Cooperation of the Student Parliament of the University of Tuzla.

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