In the documentary directed by Jean-Baptiste Thoret, “Shoot! Filming a War” presents the experiences of various war film directors as they discuss their respective processes for recreating these violent pieces of history as well as the perspectives of historians and researchers who have worked on such films.
A brief history of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the bravery of a twenty-six-year-old film student in her quest to document the Revolution from the front lines.
Enrico Dagnino’s photography tells the stories of conflict. Most often, these stories are difficult to convey, difficult to observe, and difficult to understand. An interview with Dagnino gives insight into both his career as a photojournalist and his exhibit, “Untitled”.
On Friday, 1 July 2016, the WARM Foundation partnered with Amnesty International to host a conference during the 3rd annual WARM Festival in Sarajevo entitled “Civilians Caught Between Jihadism and State Repression: Breaking the Myths”.