Behind the LGBT, LGBTIQ, LGBTIQA acronyms are real people, who often face serious discrimination problems. In East Sarajevo, these people work hard to stay under the radar to avoid prejudices and conflict.
Persons with disabilities often have difficulty accessing certain institutions since many buildings are not wheelchair-friendly. Additionally, they are discriminated against at work and in college admission processes.
Trauma is not restricted to or suffered by only the generation which experienced the war first-hand. Rather, when not treated appropriately, trauma is often transferred within families from one generation to the next.
The over exaggeration of physical characteristics in ironic and satirical ways is expressed through the art form known as the caricature, which is still very popular today. In addition to the newspapers, the caricature as an artistic expression of happiness can be seen on the walls of the gallery.
Sex is everywhere you look, from fashion magazines to movies, but young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) still know very little about how to have a responsible sex life. Discussions on the topic still cause shame, discomfort, and embarrassment stemming from a sense of the subject’s ‘immorality.’