Media coverage of Venezuela's deteriorating situation has centered on political leaders and Western responses, with little focus on the personal plight of individual citizens. Local photographer Oscar B. Castillo has spent the last ten years of his life documenting this underserved narrative: the impact of conflict and violence on the day-to-day lives of Venezuelans.
The division of citizens along ethnic lines burdens the Bosnian city of Mostar. The Center for Peace and Multiethnic Cooperation works with youth to counteract this division and rewards those who have helped the city and its citizens during difficult times.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s youth population has the potential and ability to work for peace and security in innovative ways. Sadly, recognizing the country’s youth as genuine partners for peace often falls short and their voices go unheard. The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina is working diligently in their efforts to spark a change.
Many would argue that there is no prosperity or hope in this country. Young people are leaving to seek employment elsewhere, so who will be responsible for carrying out the changes necessary for a prosperous future?
I don't recall the first time I saw her. I know she was sitting in a wheelchair, collecting money for people in need and for the treatment of those who are suffering from various kinds of ailments. Several times, I left a small contribution hoping that, this time, it would end up in the right hands.
The Pretty Woman Forum is a Facebook group that has 47,826 members from across BIH, the region, and even the world. The initial aim of the group was to serve as a place for the exchange of information, advice, and experiences, however, over time, it became a service for helping people in need.