Degradation and Violence Against Women Stem from Patriarchal Values
Patriarchy is often cited as one of the main causes of the degradation of women in society, and of gender-based violence. Tradition and custom in a patriarchal system prevent women from saying "No!" to such a system of false values. However, today we have newer generations of girls and women who are increasingly improving the status of women in BiH. society.
Vrbas Club from Banja Luka in the Fight for Greater Inclusivity
The Vrbas Table Tennis Club in Banja Luka, which gives people with disabilities the opportunity to be involved in sports and competitions, has won more than 600 medals, trophies, and awards. Yet, the club struggles with the problem of finding the necessary space for their training.
An Aromatic Beverage as a Means of Socialization
Coffee is a very important beverage in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Good and bad news, new and old acquaintances – these are all reasons to drink coffee. The importance of this drink as a part of the social life of our society is attested to by coffee roasting shops, whose aromas carry far.
The Futility of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Two ordinary families of different ethnicities from villages near Kiseljak and Visoko were connected during the war—not only by the struggle for survival, great uncertainty, and waiting, but also by a togetherness, and humanity that overcame the futility of the war. 
Velma Šarić and the Bosnian Peace Organization Win International Peacebuilding Award
The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC), and its founder and president Velma Šarić, were awarded the first “Local Peacebulider” award yesterday in Washington, D.C., where they were once again recognized as the leading organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina for building sustainable peace, preventing violent conflict, and promoting human rights.
New Generations Still Follow in a War Criminal’s Footsteps
Experts on transitional justice and human rights activists predict that a fight is ahead. Only those armed with facts can stop the celebration of war criminals, unfortunately, left to the young generation as a cultural heritage.