BiH Institutions Must Work Together in the Fight against Terrorism
It is becoming increasingly common to see in the media that ISIL members have killed people in bombings. Terrorism is often associated with BiH, in which there have been several terrorist acts. It is very difficult to say whether those who take lives are somewhere around us or far away. In order to avoid doubt about that, experts consider that we need coordinated action and more government engagement.
Next Generation Democracy and Interfaith Dialogue: Response to Violent Extremism
At the Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo, a panel of experts discussed the role of interfaith dialogue in addressing violent religious extremism. By Angelika Hoerner, Tasha Fell, and Marko Kljajić
Vibeke Lilloe: It is Necessary to Empower BiH Women
On March 22nd 2015, the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) had the honor of meeting with Ms. Vibeke Lilloe, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Sarajevo. The ensuing discussion explored the Embassy’s efforts to support peace and reconciliation processes and strengthen civil society organizations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with a specific focus on their work concerning women, victims of sexual violence and youth. Marion Pineau and Chloé Gaillard report.
Macedonia – Countering Brutality in The Land of a Bloody Sun
“At this time, it is important that all citizens, regardless of their differences, understand that we are facing a political machine that threatens our right to life through the systematic destruction of our institutions,” Golubovska explains.
Bosnia’s Plenum: Considering the Rise and Decline of Bottom-up Democracy
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You Can’t Muzzle Pencils
Chloé Gaillard reflects on the deadly attack on the Paris-based offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.