Nisam Tražila: Four Girls Who Fought Against Gender-Based Violence
The “Nisam tražila” initiative ([‘I didn’t ask for it’]) began with four art students’ reactions to rape cases in Serbia: Mateja Mavrak, Asja Krsmanović, Ana Tikvić, and Nadina Mičić.
SaponiFly: Natural Soaps with Irresistible Scents
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has discouraged many entrepreneurs, it has not discouraged 37-year-old Dijana Markuš, the owner of the SaponiFly brand.
Stigmatization of Victims Does Not Recognize Gender
Gender-based violence has become a common phenomenon in our society and a problem usually not approached in time. Unfortunately, many victims are afraid to express their thoughts and emotions openly and publicly. Victims’ stories often do not see the light of day; they remain a mere number in the statistics on gender-based violence or a name and surname on death certificates.
Women in Small Businesses: A Nightgown Brand Silhouetting Women’s Strength
“Pure love” – this is how Ajla Aljić from Ilijaš describes her brand nightgown brand “DoolZee,” which she created for all women who have an eye for a quality piece of clothing. After high school, she began studying comparative and world literature in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, but her desire to start a family prevailed, and she decided to drop out of college. Although she is now a divorced and single mother of two girls, this has not stopped her from pursuing a creative career and achieving her dreams through starting a private business.
Gender-based violence as a social problem
Gender-based violence is one problem that is not appropriately litigated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Given the pervasive patriarchal system in Bosnian society, this problem is not only a victim’s problem, as it is often perceived but also a social problem.
Barista Slađana Palikuća: A Woman’s Strength is Often Underestimated
Young entrepreneur Slađana Palikuća tears down prejudices about being a barista, which is often thought to be a man’s job.