While discussion about Islam’s role in European culture has been ongoing, their shared history goes back much further. Recognizing this history raises questions on how people will live together on this diverse continent.
The work of peace building organisations varies widely throughout BiH. Omladinska Organizacija Svitac provides an example of the power of nontraditional peace building efforts; successfully bringing youth of all ethnicities together through the arts.
"To speak of public memory as the memory of publics is to speak of more than many individuals remembering the same thing. It is to speak of remembrance together, indeed of remembrance together as a crucial aspect of our togetherness, our existence as a public."
What role can the visual arts play in public health? How can a nation recover from mental health trauma when there are clearly not enough psychologists and psychiatrists to support them? Registered nurse Bruce Clezy presents a 6-part publication series exploring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the visual arts.
The over exaggeration of physical characteristics in ironic and satirical ways is expressed through the art form known as the caricature, which is still very popular today. In addition to the newspapers, the caricature as an artistic expression of happiness can be seen on the walls of the gallery.
On Friday, 1 July 2016, the WARM Foundation partnered with Amnesty International to host a conference during the 3rd annual WARM Festival in Sarajevo entitled “Civilians Caught Between Jihadism and State Repression: Breaking the Myths”.