Combatting human trafficking remains among the major human rights issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recent reforms, however, kindle hope that the country is making progress towards a more effective anti-trafficking framework. The elimination of trafficking will still require that Bosnia improve prevention efforts by fostering greater collaboration among political entities and with civil society, a particular challenge given mounting instability.
A group of citizens dissatisfied with the rights that their children receive in the area of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNK) founded the association Roditelji djece sa invaliditetom (“Parenting Children with Disabilities”) with the hope of increasing awareness among competent institutions of the issues children with disabilities face.
“I fear the man who has read only one book,” said the famous Italian philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas. A book could be written about the inspiring yet simple life of Little Sister of Jesus Vesna Zovkić, and this would be a book which everyone should read. Sister Vesna interwove her life with human stories, …
Noise data from Western Balkans are much higher than the health recommended guidelines. However, noise pollution is perceived as a “first world problem”, with no concrete measures being taken against it, while citizens worry about the deterioration of their quality of life. “Due to excessive noise, I can say that I have damaged my hearing …
Thousands of documents, photographs, manuscripts and books, which testify to the centuries-old existence of Bosnian-Herzegovinian medieval tombstones (stećak), are part of the cultural wealth preserved by the ‘Stećak’ Foundation. Although its founder Senad Šabović has been dealing with Bosnian tombstones, as a national treasure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for ten years, the Foundation started working …
The short video entitled “Why Bosnia and Herzegovina Can Be the Number One Tourist Destination in the World,” created by Robert Dacešin, won the award for the world’s best tourist film which will be presented on November 24th in Valencia by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT). This is just one of the …