The departure of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in recent years is one of the most pressing topics, and though talked about often, no solutions are offered. When speaking about leaving Bosnia and Herzegovina, the focus should not only be on young people, but on all generations. The idea that the most educated and capable people are leaving the country is also no longer representative.
Subjugation, inequality, revolution, and protests have marked and continue to mark the world history of activism. For thousands of years, people have fought against oppression and subjugation – whether by force or peace. And women have always been part of that fight.
For more than a hundred years of turbulent history, Sarajevo and its inhabitants have kept the Sarajevo Haggadah, a written collection of Jewish regulations and traditions, from wars, arson, and theft. Its home is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the Haggadah has had to leave several times in order to be preserved.
Poverty knows no borders. People with a big heart in the restaurant "Dobre Volje" (“Good Will”) in Travnik preserve the dignity of those who struggle and for whom just one meal means a lot. In 2019, the humanitarian organization opened a restaurant in that city, the first of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“I approach each and every man as a human being. At no point do I care if he is from Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria. I see a human being in need in front of me, and I act in accordance to that. This is how it all starts actually,” says Senad Pirić as he begins his story of humanity, empathy and solidarity. Senad has dedicated himself to helping refugees and migrants.