Insufficient Punishment of Hate Speech Crimes
Hate speech is more common than hate crime as it is encouraged by the unregulated sphere of internet communication.
Football Stands: Settling Nationalist Scores
The phenomenon of expressing hatred in the stands and stadiums of Bosnian football clubs has not yet subsided. Experts claim that those in the stands are used to expressing the rage accumulated in their personal lives.
Remembering Yugoslavia: Even the Drugs Were Cleaner
Nostalgia reflects the present as well as fragments of the past in the former Yugoslavia.
World Peace with a Hint of Garlic and Tahini
Food can be used to resolve or create conflict. Can culinary diplomacy and gastro-diplomacy increase an appetite for peace?
Ars Aevi: A Museum for Peace
The founder of the Ars Aevi Museum of Contemporary Art in Sarajevo is campaigning for the museum to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Founded during the Bosnian War, the museum was established to be an expression of international will in response to the violence and destruction in Sarajevo.
Web Portals: From Freedom of Speech to Violence
Internet forums are a parallel universe and the real face of a frustrated and bitter society that, unfortunately, is not mature enough to engage in discussions supported by arguments.