Twenty-three years to the day since it was demolished by Serbian nationalists as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign, Banja Luka’s grand mosque, Ferhadija, was reopened on 7 May. Despite continuing tensions between the Serbian and Bosniak population of Banja Luka, the ceremony passed off without incident and marked an important date in the city’s troubled history.
At the Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo, a panel of experts discussed the role of interfaith dialogue in addressing violent religious extremism. By Angelika Hoerner, Tasha Fell, and Marko Kljajić
American photographer, Ron Haviv, spent 10 years documenting the Balkan wars. His work was used as evidence for prosecuting war criminals. An exhibition of his work Blood and Honey: a Balkan War Journal is being held in the Srebrenica Gallery in Sarajevo until April 2016.
This special report explores the prevalence of hate speech in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Balkan Diskurs has pulled together a collection of articles from its team of youth correspondents, providing valuable insights into the fight against online and offline hate speech across the country.