Hanna Dumović is an academic sculptor, who describes herself as an imaginative, ambitious and unusual girl who lives her dreams. Unlike many of her peers, Hanna did not wait for the change to happen on its own after graduation, but actively worked on achieving her goals.
“I think that the culmination of the epidemic and the fear from death made art shine with its full splendor, giving people back hope and reminding them how unimportant politicians really are for their lives. Turn off the TV and they disappear,” - Jelena Medić on the occasion of her exhibition, “Budni,” which debuted after the elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The celebration of International Museum Day and European Museum Night 2020 was celebrated at the Visoko Homeland Museum with an exhibition of photographs entitled, “Portrait of a Lady: Marica Vojnović Visočanka’ (1892–1982),” which represents the legacy of Marica Vojnović through objects and photographs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) invites young people from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo) to submit creative multimedia content on topics related to peace, reconciliation, and intercultural understanding in the Western Balkans.
For more than a hundred years of turbulent history, Sarajevo and its inhabitants have kept the Sarajevo Haggadah, a written collection of Jewish regulations and traditions, from wars, arson, and theft. Its home is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the Haggadah has had to leave several times in order to be preserved.
People will question your idea, but the most important thing is that you believe in it all the way, even if you fail multiple times throughout your journey.