My Disability is a Condition, Not a Problem
Merima Dervović from Visoko is a student of the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Italian Language and Literature and is a person living with a disability. Merima's primary goal is to initiate an open dialogue about the prejudices against disabled people and the challenges they face in society.
Meet the Mormons: Religious Minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Part I)
BiH represents a society in which national and religious belonging are tightly bound together. The Law on the Freedom of Religion recognizes the Jewish community as a traditional religious community, however, it remains a religious minority. And there might, in fact, be as many as 200 religious minorities in BIH.
Dalibor Tanić: If All You See is that I Am Roma, the Flaw is Yours
This was supposed to be a story about national minorities, however, it soon became an effort to find the words to best describe the greatness of a man who does not allow others to judge him based on what he is, but rather on all the important characteristics that make him WHO he is.
Conditional Sentencing: The System’s Only Response to Domestic Violence in FBiH
According to data from the Gender Center, the most common form of punishment for the perpetrators of domestic violence in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) is conditional sentencing, even though this type of punishment opens up the possibility for the perpetrator to commit additional violent crimes.