Responsible Reporting on Gender-Based Violence to Protect Victims’ Privacy
Gender-based violence is receiving more and more media coverage in Bosnia-Herzegovina. However, the basic principles of ethical journalism are often violated for the sake of  publishing more sensational content, which often results in the re-traumatization of victims and their families.
Boxing Club “Zlatni Ljiljani:” A Legacy That Stands the Test of Time
Founded at the beginning of the longest siege of a capital in history – Sarajevo, the boxing club „Zlatni ljiljani“ proves that despite the most difficult obstacles, it is possible to achieve success and create a new generations of champions. 
A Humane and Systematic Approach to Solve Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Stray Dog Problem
The problems of stray dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) should be resolved systematically and humanely following the Law on Animal Protection and Welfare. For that to happen, more resources are necessary because the funds available to address this problem are insufficient. A lack of resources continues to be a problem even though the situation has improved somewhat in recent times.
Velma Šarić and the Bosnian Peace Organization Win International Peacebuilding Award
The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC), and its founder and president Velma Šarić, were awarded the first “Local Peacebulider” award yesterday in Washington, D.C., where they were once again recognized as the leading organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina for building sustainable peace, preventing violent conflict, and promoting human rights.
Holocaust & Peace – Lessons from the past for the future
The Post-conflict Research Center (PCRC), Educator’s Institute for Human Rights (EIHR), the forumZFD, the Haggadah Sarajevo Association, and the Bosnian Cultural Center marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Sarajevo today and the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference. 
Prevention of gender-based violence through education
Education professionals, the non-governmental sector, and human rights activists agree that the fight against all forms of violence must be a part of everyday life, especially in communication with children and young people. Here, parents play an important role, in addition to educational institutions.