Caricaturist Damir Balić: The Necessity of a Skillful Eye
The over exaggeration of physical characteristics in ironic and satirical ways is expressed through the art form known as the caricature, which is still very popular today. In addition to the newspapers, the caricature as an artistic expression of happiness can be seen on the walls of the gallery.
Pale: Poor Urban Planning Presents Obstacles for Wheelchair Users
The urban infrastructure of Pale makes it difficult for wheelchair users to move freely across the town.
The Shame Surrounding Sex Education in BiH
Sex is everywhere you look, from fashion magazines to movies, but young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) still know very little about how to have a responsible sex life. Discussions on the topic still cause shame, discomfort, and embarrassment stemming from a sense of the subject’s ‘immorality.’
Shutting Down Kratkofil: A Lonely Summer in Banja Luka
An important topic among cultural circles in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been the shutting down of the short film festival “Kratkofil Plus”. The Banja Luka festival, which has successfully brought together numerous filmmakers and movie lovers for nine consecutive years, will no longer be held.
Victims of War are Becoming Invisible in Times of Peace
“I didn’t feel any support or empathy or hear someone say, ‘I’m sorry’. No! I heard many people say, ‘She got what she asked for.’ That hurts.”
Islamophobia Undermines Young People’s Prospects
Islamophobia is becoming an epidemic in the modern society. Its impact is widespread but is most crucial and most difficult for young people.