The Visoko Memorial for the Srebrenica Genocide Victims
The Square dedicated to the Srebrenica genocide victims in Visoko was inaugurated last year on 5 October making Visoko the only municipality in Bosnia-Herzegovina to have honored the victims in this way.
Insufficient Punishment of Hate Speech Crimes
Hate speech is more common than hate crime as it is encouraged by the unregulated sphere of internet communication.
Football Stands: Settling Nationalist Scores
The phenomenon of expressing hatred in the stands and stadiums of Bosnian football clubs has not yet subsided. Experts claim that those in the stands are used to expressing the rage accumulated in their personal lives.
Web Portals: From Freedom of Speech to Violence
Internet forums are a parallel universe and the real face of a frustrated and bitter society that, unfortunately, is not mature enough to engage in discussions supported by arguments.
Cultural Heritage in the Heart of Bosnia
Visoko was once the cradle of Bosnia, a royal town where the coronations of Bosnian rulers occurred. Today, it is a municipality in which culture and anything culture related has died. Lejla Bečar explores the decline of her hometown.
Jajce – Historical Town of Lost Significance
A popular destination with locals and travelers alike, Jajce has far more to offer than its renowned 20-meter high waterfall. Sara Velaga and Ognjen Todorović explore some of the city’s sights beyond the beaten tourist trail.