The Flea Market at Stup, Sarajevo: Where Affordability Meets Old-World Charm
The flea market in the Sarajevo neighborhood of Stup is an essential meeting point for the citizens of the Sarajevo Canton. It is a place where you can buy, at affordable prices, every good you can imagine. Every Sunday, this market becomes the epicenter of trade, where a diverse range of goods is displayed on improvised stalls, the smoke from grills stinging your eyes. If the hubbub gets a little too much, you may eat or rest for a while, listening to the sounds of voices echoing through speakers, “Everything at a bargain!” or “Almost gone!”.
By getting to know diversity, we become more tolerant
At the "State of Peace" Youth Academy, young people from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed religious differences, concluding that we must accept and understand differences in society in order to build a more peaceful and tolerant society together.
The Politicization of Religious Institutions
In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as well as regionally and around the globe, there is a growing trend of intertwining religious and ethnic identities. The fusion of religion and politics can be seen in the construction of monuments to armies on religious properties.
An Aromatic Beverage as a Means of Socialization
Coffee is a very important beverage in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Good and bad news, new and old acquaintances – these are all reasons to drink coffee. The importance of this drink as a part of the social life of our society is attested to by coffee roasting shops, whose aromas carry far.
Božo Vrećo: The Artistic Revolutionary of the Balkans
So who is Božo Vrećo? Who better to ask than the man himself?
Frenkie: The trend of young people leaving our country worries me
Adnan Hamidović, better known as Frenkie, is one of the rare artists on the Bosnian music scene who has continuously spoken out about pressing issues in BiH for almost two decades now.