Understanding Yugoslavia (Part II)
]Marion Pineau continues her exploration of Yugo-nostalgia, exploring its emergence in multiple forms across the former Yugoslavia.
Divided Memoreality: Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo
A visual study of two views and memories of a certain day in 1914.
The Unusual Fate of a Former Detainee
“A man must be happy after everything he survives; accept life if you don't want to lose your mind.”
Scars of Sarajevo
Nearly 20 years after war, the cityscape of Sarajevo remains riddled with bullet holes and shell craters in facades and pavement. These are the scars of Sarajevo.
The Otherwordly Balkans
“Only the details differentiate the narratives of WWI from those of the 90s Balkans wars. The latter speaks of Greater Serbian nationalism and the endangerment of other peoples, as well as some concept of Yugoslavia only mildly related to Yugoslavia itself, whereas the former is but another excuse to repeat the same arguments.”