Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Sarajevo Siege
The City of Sarajevo, the Information Center of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the Post-Conflict Research Center, the Srebrenica Memorial Center, and the Memory Module invite you to attend the program at the Sarajevo City Hall on April 4th and 5th, 2022, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Sarajevo siege.
Sarajevo Canton: Gender-based Violence Remains Stigmatized
Domestic violence and violence against women are global problems and violations of basic human rights. Women around the world are exposed to various forms of violence that are often prevalent in the family. This problem is pronounced in our country, despite measures adopted to prevent it.
The ”Nafaka” of the Sarajevo Haggadah
For more than a hundred years of turbulent history, Sarajevo and its inhabitants have kept the Sarajevo Haggadah, a written collection of Jewish regulations and traditions, from wars, arson, and theft. Its home is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the Haggadah has had to leave several times in order to be preserved.
Sarajevo Monuments and A Culture of Remembrance
Monuments, due to their strong symbolic meaning, give clear messages of what, whom and which promoted values should be remembered.
Ena Dujmović and Plusminus Fashion: Fusing Modern Art with Graphic Design
Work hard, believe in yourself, and don’t blame anyone else if you don’t succeed.
Miss Besieged Sarajevo: Fashion and Beauty as Symbols of Resistance
This image of Meliha Varešanović, captured by British photographer Tom Stoddart, went all around the world. It has become iconic – a classic of reportage. Yet back in 1994, while people overseas were opening their morning newspapers and talking about the beautiful women in the picture, Meliha was just thinking about how to survive another day.